Family Child Care
Little Bee
The main idea of our Program here at Little Bee is to create friendly, learning environment to help children grow, develop basic cultural and ethical aspects, develop physical and emotional well-being. There are different types of activities organized for children: play, craft, exploring, arts, reading, science, communication, performance. The Program also includes preparation for school, learning safety skills and others.
The process of learning is integrated into a fun adventure and involves different daily activities. Study is associated as part of a play.
The most important principles in achieving Program goals are:
Taking care of health, emotional well being and proper development of each child according to their age;
Creating a compassionate and friendly relationship with other kids and adults to develop communicative,
kind, inquisitive, initiative, self-dependent and artistic skills;
Using different types of activities and integrating them in order to accomplish the most effective educational results;
Making the educational process “outside the box”;
Using the variety of educational materials to help each child to develop a unique artistic personality
according to his/her preferences;
Respecting someone’s ideas and art projects;
Unifying the approach towards education within family and Child Care.
The educational activities include the following:
Games: didactic, drama, plays, outdoor
Reading and discussion of different compositions
Seasonal adventure to connect with the nature
Reciting poems and fairy-tales
Drama classes
Painting, molding, etc
Arts, crafts, illustrations
Dance, circle time
Physical education, gymnastics, exercises with music